How to write a script for Explainer Video?
An explainer video is a short animated video that focuses on illustrating different types of problems, company and product / service concepts to viewers in a simple but engaging manner.
Because explainer videos get through a lot of information in a short period of time, and inspire viewers to pay attention and watch it, it’s crucial to have the perfect script for these videos. Here’s how you can build an excellent script to make a video that will help you achieve your online video marketing campaign goals.
The “Character” Approach of explainer video script writing:
This approach connects your product to the target audience, usually using a cartoon character that is facing a similar problem as your target audience.
In order to explain this approach better let us take an example of a company that manufactures Electric kitchen Chimneys. As per the brief provided by the manufacturer the objective of the explainer video is to explain the benefit of using an electric chimney & compel the viewers to take action.
The below diagram explains the character approach script writing technique